Alright so here we go,The reason I wanted to write, Was because my Mother writes Poetry,Kinda inspiered me. Ya know? But My other reason is,I like to express my feelings in a way that is completely my own thoughts and in a Unique way! So I figured poetry is the best way because,it dosn't have to ryme,It doesn't have to really make sense,as long as its from the heart, And makes you feel like you are the person in that postion.
The other reason is,I really like writing alot,and threw the yrs that i've been in school and around my brother and sister and Mom and so on,None of them are REALLY into writing. So it makes me wonder were I get the talent from. But it IS somthing I love to do. And spend alot of time on. And I thought..well maybe Insted of just keeping my poetry to myself. I could share it with others so they can get to know me as I know me. And see whats going on inside my head and heart. Alright some other reasons for my writing are, I like to hear about love and see what other people think about it. Plus I just like making stuff,like Cards and being able to put my own words in there for somone Special that I love. And be able to say well this card is all hand made and written by me. I hope you like it,ya know? Just that feeling of being able to do somthing that is your own. And not takin from somone else.
Anyways enough thats what your thinking! I wanna read the poems!!!!!!!! blah okay...Anyways I really hope you enjoy this site! I've spent atleast a week working on it just to get it ready for public eyes *peers at you* alright well read on yah know and I hope you like what you read! Please e-mail me comments and suggestions on how to better my work, I'd really apperciate it alot. Thanks alot,well read on to see what I've been so patiently mubbling on about!